Cafe Starbucks |> New York.

College Institute of Audio Research |> New York.

Restaurant Pylos Restaurant |> New York.

Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the United Nations |> New York.

Cafe Amore Pizza Cafe |> New York.

Cafe Oren's Daily Roast |> New York.

Restaurant Chopped Parsley |> New York.

Permanent Mission of Kenya to the United Nations |> New York.

Millennium Hilton One UN Plaza |> New York.

Fast_food Daniello's |> New York.

Uptown Gourmet |> New York.

Flynn's Office Solutions |> New York.

Fast_food Sweetgreen |> New York.

Restaurant Dim Sum Chelsea |> New York.

Restaurant Moran's |> New York.

Restaurant Hanoi House |> New York.

Grassroots Fitness Project |> New York.

Permanent Mission of Belize to the United Nations |> New York.

Cafe Birch Coffee |> New York.

Cafe Bryant Park Café |> New York.